General Election to Assembly Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Assembly Constituency 121 - Sullurpeta(Andhra Pradesh)
ECI is displaying the information as being filled in the system by the Returning Officers from their respective Counting Centres.The final data for each AC/PC will be shared in Form-20.
Round 1 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds |
Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 0 | 3494 | 3494 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 0 | 66 | 66 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 0 | 38 | 38 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 0 | 3782 | 3782 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 0 | 13 | 13 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 0 | 4 | 4 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 0 | 20 | 20 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 0 | 10 | 10 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 0 | 12 | 12 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 0 | 113 | 113 |
Total | 0 | 7552 | 7552 |
Round 2 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 3494 | 3978 | 7472 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 66 | 103 | 169 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 38 | 18 | 56 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 3782 | 5070 | 8852 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 13 | 26 | 39 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 4 | 4 | 8 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 20 | 32 | 52 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 10 | 3 | 13 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 12 | 9 | 21 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 113 | 154 | 267 |
Total | 7552 | 9397 | 16949 |
Round 3 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 7472 | 4736 | 12208 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 169 | 130 | 299 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 56 | 25 | 81 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 8852 | 4667 | 13519 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 39 | 14 | 53 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 8 | 3 | 11 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 52 | 23 | 75 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 13 | 10 | 23 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 21 | 14 | 35 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 267 | 164 | 431 |
Total | 16949 | 9786 | 26735 |
Round 4 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 12208 | 2795 | 15003 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 299 | 253 | 552 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 81 | 31 | 112 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 13519 | 5837 | 19356 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 53 | 17 | 70 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 11 | 7 | 18 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 75 | 25 | 100 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 23 | 10 | 33 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 35 | 8 | 43 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 431 | 92 | 523 |
Total | 26735 | 9075 | 35810 |
Round 5 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 15003 | 3291 | 18294 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 552 | 274 | 826 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 112 | 32 | 144 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 19356 | 5898 | 25254 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 70 | 15 | 85 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 18 | 7 | 25 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 100 | 16 | 116 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 33 | 47 | 80 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 43 | 5 | 48 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 523 | 88 | 611 |
Total | 35810 | 9673 | 45483 |
Round 6 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 18294 | 3456 | 21750 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 826 | 166 | 992 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 144 | 34 | 178 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 25254 | 4557 | 29811 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 85 | 26 | 111 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 25 | 8 | 33 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 116 | 20 | 136 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 80 | 15 | 95 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 48 | 13 | 61 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 611 | 148 | 759 |
Total | 45483 | 8443 | 53926 |
Round 7 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 21750 | 4244 | 25994 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 992 | 112 | 1104 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 178 | 43 | 221 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 29811 | 4316 | 34127 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 111 | 25 | 136 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 33 | 6 | 39 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 136 | 28 | 164 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 95 | 23 | 118 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 61 | 15 | 76 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 759 | 185 | 944 |
Total | 53926 | 8997 | 62923 |
Round 8 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 25994 | 3865 | 29859 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1104 | 116 | 1220 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 221 | 31 | 252 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 34127 | 4692 | 38819 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 136 | 42 | 178 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 39 | 8 | 47 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 164 | 33 | 197 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 118 | 27 | 145 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 76 | 17 | 93 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 944 | 168 | 1112 |
Total | 62923 | 8999 | 71922 |
Round 9 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 29859 | 3855 | 33714 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1220 | 109 | 1329 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 252 | 51 | 303 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 38819 | 4799 | 43618 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 178 | 23 | 201 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 47 | 7 | 54 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 197 | 32 | 229 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 145 | 16 | 161 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 93 | 8 | 101 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1112 | 179 | 1291 |
Total | 71922 | 9079 | 81001 |
Round 10 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 33714 | 4244 | 37958 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1329 | 115 | 1444 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 303 | 25 | 328 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 43618 | 4777 | 48395 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 201 | 14 | 215 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 54 | 9 | 63 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 229 | 27 | 256 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 161 | 19 | 180 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 101 | 11 | 112 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1291 | 159 | 1450 |
Total | 81001 | 9400 | 90401 |
Round 11 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 37958 | 4247 | 42205 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1444 | 90 | 1534 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 328 | 16 | 344 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 48395 | 4825 | 53220 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 215 | 24 | 239 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 63 | 7 | 70 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 256 | 28 | 284 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 180 | 20 | 200 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 112 | 8 | 120 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1450 | 205 | 1655 |
Total | 90401 | 9470 | 99871 |
Round 12 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 42205 | 3902 | 46107 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1534 | 185 | 1719 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 344 | 29 | 373 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 53220 | 4147 | 57367 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 239 | 26 | 265 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 70 | 9 | 79 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 284 | 21 | 305 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 200 | 18 | 218 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 120 | 12 | 132 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1655 | 160 | 1815 |
Total | 99871 | 8509 | 108380 |
Round 13 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 46107 | 3662 | 49769 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1719 | 151 | 1870 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 373 | 29 | 402 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 57367 | 4440 | 61807 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 265 | 22 | 287 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 79 | 9 | 88 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 305 | 29 | 334 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 218 | 13 | 231 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 132 | 16 | 148 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1815 | 203 | 2018 |
Total | 108380 | 8574 | 116954 |
Round 14 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 49769 | 3286 | 53055 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1870 | 113 | 1983 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 402 | 29 | 431 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 61807 | 4529 | 66336 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 287 | 25 | 312 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 88 | 7 | 95 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 334 | 30 | 364 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 231 | 18 | 249 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 148 | 15 | 163 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2018 | 157 | 2175 |
Total | 116954 | 8209 | 125163 |
Round 15 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 53055 | 3682 | 56737 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 1983 | 178 | 2161 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 431 | 34 | 465 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 66336 | 5493 | 71829 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 312 | 39 | 351 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 95 | 14 | 109 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 364 | 39 | 403 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 249 | 17 | 266 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 163 | 17 | 180 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2175 | 189 | 2364 |
Total | 125163 | 9702 | 134865 |
Round 16 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 56737 | 3935 | 60672 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 2161 | 218 | 2379 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 465 | 43 | 508 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 71829 | 6139 | 77968 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 351 | 20 | 371 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 109 | 12 | 121 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 403 | 34 | 437 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 266 | 12 | 278 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 180 | 19 | 199 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2364 | 153 | 2517 |
Total | 134865 | 10585 | 145450 |
Round 17 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 60672 | 2949 | 63621 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 2379 | 244 | 2623 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 508 | 18 | 526 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 77968 | 6070 | 84038 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 371 | 17 | 388 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 121 | 3 | 124 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 437 | 10 | 447 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 278 | 8 | 286 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 199 | 10 | 209 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2517 | 87 | 2604 |
Total | 145450 | 9416 | 154866 |
Round 18 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 63621 | 3186 | 66807 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 2623 | 219 | 2842 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 526 | 29 | 555 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 84038 | 6492 | 90530 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 388 | 24 | 412 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 124 | 9 | 133 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 447 | 31 | 478 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 286 | 12 | 298 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 209 | 11 | 220 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2604 | 122 | 2726 |
Total | 154866 | 10135 | 165001 |
Round 19 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 66807 | 3292 | 70099 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 2842 | 221 | 3063 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 555 | 29 | 584 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 90530 | 5808 | 96338 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 412 | 38 | 450 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 133 | 14 | 147 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 478 | 29 | 507 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 298 | 27 | 325 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 220 | 13 | 233 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2726 | 187 | 2913 |
Total | 165001 | 9658 | 174659 |
Round 20 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 70099 | 3961 | 74060 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 3063 | 176 | 3239 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 584 | 28 | 612 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 96338 | 5056 | 101394 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 450 | 29 | 479 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 147 | 17 | 164 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 507 | 26 | 533 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 325 | 13 | 338 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 233 | 15 | 248 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2913 | 161 | 3074 |
Total | 174659 | 9482 | 184141 |
Round 21 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 74060 | 4290 | 78350 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 3239 | 383 | 3622 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 612 | 22 | 634 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 101394 | 4709 | 106103 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 479 | 19 | 498 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 164 | 7 | 171 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 533 | 24 | 557 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 338 | 6 | 344 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 248 | 17 | 265 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3074 | 145 | 3219 |
Total | 184141 | 9622 | 193763 |
Round 22 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KILIVETI SANJEEVAIAH | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 78350 | 3012 | 81362 |
CHANDANAMUDI SIVA | Indian National Congress | 3622 | 475 | 4097 |
TOPPANI RAMANAIAH | Bahujan Samaj Party | 634 | 23 | 657 |
NELAVALA VIJAYASREE | Telugu Desam | 106103 | 3621 | 109724 |
KANDATI RAJANIKANTH | Liberation Congress Party | 498 | 18 | 516 |
BIGUVU SRINIVASULU | Samajwadi Party | 171 | 10 | 181 |
NIDIGUNTA ARUNA | Independent | 557 | 35 | 592 |
BURAKALA LEELA MOHAN | Independent | 344 | 23 | 367 |
T.S.RAGHAVULU | Independent | 265 | 15 | 280 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3219 | 191 | 3410 |
Total | 193763 | 7423 | 201186 |