General Election to Assembly Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Assembly Constituency 26 - Chodavaram(Andhra Pradesh)
ECI is displaying the information as being filled in the system by the Returning Officers from their respective Counting Centres.The final data for each AC/PC will be shared in Form-20.
Round 1 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds |
Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 0 | 4303 | 4303 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 0 | 125 | 125 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 0 | 57 | 57 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 0 | 5816 | 5816 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 0 | 46 | 46 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 0 | 32 | 32 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 0 | 234 | 234 |
Total | 0 | 10613 | 10613 |
Round 2 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 4303 | 3946 | 8249 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 125 | 116 | 241 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 57 | 41 | 98 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 5816 | 6326 | 12142 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 46 | 24 | 70 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 32 | 11 | 43 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 234 | 183 | 417 |
Total | 10613 | 10647 | 21260 |
Round 3 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 8249 | 3814 | 12063 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 241 | 119 | 360 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 98 | 55 | 153 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 12142 | 6435 | 18577 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 70 | 19 | 89 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 43 | 20 | 63 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 417 | 250 | 667 |
Total | 21260 | 10712 | 31972 |
Round 4 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 12063 | 4083 | 16146 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 360 | 174 | 534 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 153 | 59 | 212 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 18577 | 5388 | 23965 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 89 | 137 | 226 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 63 | 20 | 83 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 667 | 259 | 926 |
Total | 31972 | 10120 | 42092 |
Round 5 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 16146 | 4482 | 20628 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 534 | 176 | 710 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 212 | 71 | 283 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 23965 | 6575 | 30540 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 226 | 40 | 266 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 83 | 20 | 103 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 926 | 244 | 1170 |
Total | 42092 | 11608 | 53700 |
Round 6 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 20628 | 4520 | 25148 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 710 | 116 | 826 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 283 | 67 | 350 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 30540 | 6556 | 37096 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 266 | 34 | 300 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 103 | 20 | 123 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1170 | 257 | 1427 |
Total | 53700 | 11570 | 65270 |
Round 7 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 25148 | 3720 | 28868 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 826 | 154 | 980 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 350 | 93 | 443 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 37096 | 6509 | 43605 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 300 | 37 | 337 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 123 | 21 | 144 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1427 | 282 | 1709 |
Total | 65270 | 10816 | 76086 |
Round 8 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 28868 | 4024 | 32892 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 980 | 138 | 1118 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 443 | 65 | 508 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 43605 | 5205 | 48810 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 337 | 35 | 372 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 144 | 40 | 184 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1709 | 304 | 2013 |
Total | 76086 | 9811 | 85897 |
Round 9 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 32892 | 3826 | 36718 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1118 | 134 | 1252 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 508 | 76 | 584 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 48810 | 6188 | 54998 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 372 | 27 | 399 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 184 | 31 | 215 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2013 | 238 | 2251 |
Total | 85897 | 10520 | 96417 |
Round 10 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 36718 | 4170 | 40888 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1252 | 139 | 1391 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 584 | 62 | 646 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 54998 | 5480 | 60478 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 399 | 25 | 424 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 215 | 24 | 239 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2251 | 235 | 2486 |
Total | 96417 | 10135 | 106552 |
Round 11 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 40888 | 3723 | 44611 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1391 | 153 | 1544 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 646 | 91 | 737 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 60478 | 6085 | 66563 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 424 | 37 | 461 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 239 | 25 | 264 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2486 | 279 | 2765 |
Total | 106552 | 10393 | 116945 |
Round 12 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 44611 | 3107 | 47718 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1544 | 151 | 1695 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 737 | 60 | 797 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 66563 | 5515 | 72078 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 461 | 33 | 494 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 264 | 27 | 291 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2765 | 149 | 2914 |
Total | 116945 | 9042 | 125987 |
Round 13 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 47718 | 4369 | 52087 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1695 | 185 | 1880 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 797 | 68 | 865 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 72078 | 6585 | 78663 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 494 | 37 | 531 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 291 | 23 | 314 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2914 | 195 | 3109 |
Total | 125987 | 11462 | 137449 |
Round 14 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 52087 | 3498 | 55585 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1880 | 115 | 1995 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 865 | 57 | 922 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 78663 | 6960 | 85623 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 531 | 32 | 563 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 314 | 18 | 332 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3109 | 120 | 3229 |
Total | 137449 | 10800 | 148249 |
Round 15 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 55585 | 1862 | 57447 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 1995 | 100 | 2095 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 922 | 47 | 969 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 85623 | 5956 | 91579 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 563 | 21 | 584 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 332 | 16 | 348 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3229 | 92 | 3321 |
Total | 148249 | 8094 | 156343 |
Round 16 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 57447 | 3213 | 60660 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 2095 | 174 | 2269 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 969 | 66 | 1035 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 91579 | 7157 | 98736 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 584 | 28 | 612 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 348 | 16 | 364 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3321 | 156 | 3477 |
Total | 156343 | 10810 | 167153 |
Round 17 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 60660 | 4804 | 65464 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 2269 | 184 | 2453 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 1035 | 96 | 1131 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 98736 | 7042 | 105778 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 612 | 46 | 658 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 364 | 24 | 388 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3477 | 259 | 3736 |
Total | 167153 | 12455 | 179608 |
Round 18 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARANAM DHARMASRI | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 65464 | 1242 | 66706 |
JAGATA SRINIVASURAO | Indian National Congress | 2453 | 43 | 2496 |
VEGI MAHALAKSHMI NAIDU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 1131 | 35 | 1166 |
SURYA NAGA SANYASI RAJU KALIDINDI | Telugu Desam | 105778 | 2093 | 107871 |
SAVARALA GANESH | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 658 | 13 | 671 |
PERICHRLA VIVEKA RAJU | Independent | 388 | 6 | 394 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3736 | 89 | 3825 |
Total | 179608 | 3521 | 183129 |