General Election to Assembly Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Assembly Constituency 35 - Tuni(Andhra Pradesh)
ECI is displaying the information as being filled in the system by the Returning Officers from their respective Counting Centres.The final data for each AC/PC will be shared in Form-20.
Round 1 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds |
Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 0 | 52 | 52 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 0 | 90 | 90 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 0 | 5362 | 5362 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 0 | 5580 | 5580 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 0 | 29 | 29 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 0 | 8 | 8 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 0 | 20 | 20 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 0 | 13 | 13 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 0 | 52 | 52 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 0 | 47 | 47 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 0 | 32 | 32 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 0 | 233 | 233 |
Total | 0 | 11518 | 11518 |
Round 2 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 52 | 39 | 91 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 90 | 100 | 190 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 5362 | 5596 | 10958 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 5580 | 5908 | 11488 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 29 | 28 | 57 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 8 | 22 | 30 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 20 | 20 | 40 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 13 | 13 | 26 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 52 | 35 | 87 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 47 | 36 | 83 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 32 | 23 | 55 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 233 | 249 | 482 |
Total | 11518 | 12069 | 23587 |
Round 3 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 91 | 33 | 124 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 190 | 98 | 288 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 10958 | 5834 | 16792 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 11488 | 5698 | 17186 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 57 | 26 | 83 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 30 | 9 | 39 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 40 | 18 | 58 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 26 | 29 | 55 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 87 | 49 | 136 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 83 | 55 | 138 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 55 | 35 | 90 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 482 | 223 | 705 |
Total | 23587 | 12107 | 35694 |
Round 4 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 124 | 55 | 179 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 288 | 120 | 408 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 16792 | 4747 | 21539 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 17186 | 5474 | 22660 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 83 | 26 | 109 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 39 | 23 | 62 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 58 | 18 | 76 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 55 | 20 | 75 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 136 | 61 | 197 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 138 | 56 | 194 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 90 | 31 | 121 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 705 | 219 | 924 |
Total | 35694 | 10850 | 46544 |
Round 5 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 179 | 44 | 223 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 408 | 113 | 521 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 21539 | 5323 | 26862 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 22660 | 5617 | 28277 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 109 | 21 | 130 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 62 | 13 | 75 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 76 | 20 | 96 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 75 | 18 | 93 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 197 | 55 | 252 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 194 | 57 | 251 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 121 | 29 | 150 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 924 | 252 | 1176 |
Total | 46544 | 11562 | 58106 |
Round 6 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 223 | 68 | 291 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 521 | 169 | 690 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 26862 | 5587 | 32449 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 28277 | 6469 | 34746 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 130 | 38 | 168 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 75 | 20 | 95 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 96 | 35 | 131 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 93 | 29 | 122 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 252 | 86 | 338 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 251 | 83 | 334 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 150 | 31 | 181 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1176 | 282 | 1458 |
Total | 58106 | 12897 | 71003 |
Round 7 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 291 | 45 | 336 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 690 | 106 | 796 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 32449 | 5402 | 37851 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 34746 | 5203 | 39949 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 168 | 31 | 199 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 95 | 12 | 107 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 131 | 29 | 160 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 122 | 11 | 133 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 338 | 75 | 413 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 334 | 84 | 418 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 181 | 17 | 198 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1458 | 143 | 1601 |
Total | 71003 | 11158 | 82161 |
Round 8 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 336 | 56 | 392 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 796 | 121 | 917 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 37851 | 5370 | 43221 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 39949 | 6071 | 46020 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 199 | 33 | 232 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 107 | 10 | 117 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 160 | 20 | 180 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 133 | 20 | 153 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 413 | 107 | 520 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 418 | 70 | 488 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 198 | 29 | 227 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1601 | 201 | 1802 |
Total | 82161 | 12108 | 94269 |
Round 9 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 392 | 30 | 422 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 917 | 116 | 1033 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 43221 | 4322 | 47543 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 46020 | 6153 | 52173 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 232 | 19 | 251 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 117 | 5 | 122 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 180 | 17 | 197 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 153 | 11 | 164 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 520 | 101 | 621 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 488 | 46 | 534 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 227 | 14 | 241 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1802 | 119 | 1921 |
Total | 94269 | 10953 | 105222 |
Round 10 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 422 | 34 | 456 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1033 | 118 | 1151 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 47543 | 3841 | 51384 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 52173 | 5932 | 58105 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 251 | 20 | 271 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 122 | 14 | 136 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 197 | 14 | 211 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 164 | 16 | 180 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 621 | 66 | 687 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 534 | 28 | 562 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 241 | 13 | 254 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1921 | 130 | 2051 |
Total | 105222 | 10226 | 115448 |
Round 11 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 456 | 57 | 513 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1151 | 122 | 1273 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 51384 | 4986 | 56370 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 58105 | 6418 | 64523 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 271 | 29 | 300 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 136 | 17 | 153 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 211 | 24 | 235 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 180 | 13 | 193 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 687 | 67 | 754 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 562 | 55 | 617 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 254 | 17 | 271 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2051 | 140 | 2191 |
Total | 115448 | 11945 | 127393 |
Round 12 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 513 | 56 | 569 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1273 | 126 | 1399 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 56370 | 5654 | 62024 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 64523 | 5815 | 70338 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 300 | 30 | 330 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 153 | 16 | 169 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 235 | 21 | 256 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 193 | 8 | 201 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 754 | 85 | 839 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 617 | 89 | 706 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 271 | 22 | 293 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2191 | 230 | 2421 |
Total | 127393 | 12152 | 139545 |
Round 13 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 569 | 48 | 617 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1399 | 117 | 1516 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 62024 | 5312 | 67336 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 70338 | 6252 | 76590 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 330 | 42 | 372 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 169 | 20 | 189 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 256 | 36 | 292 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 201 | 24 | 225 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 839 | 101 | 940 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 706 | 79 | 785 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 293 | 34 | 327 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2421 | 233 | 2654 |
Total | 139545 | 12298 | 151843 |
Round 14 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 617 | 54 | 671 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1516 | 168 | 1684 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 67336 | 5446 | 72782 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 76590 | 6646 | 83236 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 372 | 42 | 414 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 189 | 14 | 203 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 292 | 34 | 326 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 225 | 23 | 248 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 940 | 76 | 1016 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 785 | 76 | 861 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 327 | 31 | 358 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2654 | 286 | 2940 |
Total | 151843 | 12896 | 164739 |
Round 15 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 671 | 82 | 753 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1684 | 114 | 1798 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 72782 | 4121 | 76903 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 83236 | 6961 | 90197 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 414 | 55 | 469 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 203 | 15 | 218 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 326 | 39 | 365 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 248 | 31 | 279 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 1016 | 96 | 1112 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 861 | 78 | 939 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 358 | 41 | 399 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 2940 | 269 | 3209 |
Total | 164739 | 11902 | 176641 |
Round 16 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
KARRI NOOKARAJU | Bahujan Samaj Party | 753 | 51 | 804 |
GELAM SRINIVASARAO | Indian National Congress | 1798 | 110 | 1908 |
DADISETTI RAJA | Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party | 76903 | 4392 | 81295 |
DIVYA YANAMALA | Telugu Desam | 90197 | 5639 | 95836 |
YADALA RAMAKRISHNA | Reforms Party of India | 469 | 29 | 498 |
SIVA VADABOYINA | Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) | 218 | 14 | 232 |
SATISH DUTHURTHI | Dalita Bahujana Party | 365 | 25 | 390 |
ADI VENKATA SATYANARAYANA VEGI | Independent | 279 | 22 | 301 |
KONA RAMAKRISHNA | Independent | 1112 | 65 | 1177 |
TAMARANA APPARAO | Independent | 939 | 67 | 1006 |
BODAPATI SRINIVASARAO | Independent | 399 | 40 | 439 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 3209 | 207 | 3416 |
Total | 176641 | 10661 | 187302 |