General Election to Assembly Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Assembly Constituency 104 - Jagatsinghpur(Odisha)
ECI is displaying the information as being filled in the system by the Returning Officers from their respective Counting Centres.The final data for each AC/PC will be shared in Form-20.
Round 1 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds |
Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 0 | 5011 | 5011 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 0 | 25 | 25 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 0 | 171 | 171 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 0 | 3484 | 3484 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 0 | 14 | 14 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 0 | 3 | 3 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 0 | 12 | 12 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 0 | 4 | 4 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 0 | 12 | 12 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 0 | 19 | 19 |
Total | 0 | 8755 | 8755 |
Round 2 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 5011 | 4225 | 9236 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 25 | 7 | 32 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 171 | 223 | 394 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 3484 | 3165 | 6649 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 14 | 7 | 21 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 3 | 10 | 13 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 12 | 6 | 18 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 4 | 4 | 8 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 12 | 4 | 16 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 19 | 7 | 26 |
Total | 8755 | 7658 | 16413 |
Round 3 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 9236 | 4427 | 13663 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 32 | 12 | 44 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 394 | 314 | 708 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 6649 | 3323 | 9972 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 21 | 9 | 30 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 13 | 5 | 18 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 18 | 9 | 27 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 8 | 5 | 13 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 16 | 6 | 22 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 26 | 19 | 45 |
Total | 16413 | 8129 | 24542 |
Round 4 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 13663 | 4184 | 17847 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 44 | 5 | 49 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 708 | 396 | 1104 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 9972 | 3139 | 13111 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 30 | 13 | 43 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 18 | 3 | 21 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 27 | 9 | 36 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 13 | 9 | 22 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 22 | 5 | 27 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 45 | 16 | 61 |
Total | 24542 | 7779 | 32321 |
Round 5 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 17847 | 4533 | 22380 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 49 | 19 | 68 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 1104 | 212 | 1316 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 13111 | 2592 | 15703 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 43 | 13 | 56 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 21 | 5 | 26 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 36 | 12 | 48 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 22 | 9 | 31 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 27 | 11 | 38 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 61 | 31 | 92 |
Total | 32321 | 7437 | 39758 |
Round 6 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 22380 | 4101 | 26481 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 68 | 12 | 80 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 1316 | 116 | 1432 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 15703 | 2855 | 18558 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 56 | 5 | 61 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 26 | 1 | 27 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 48 | 7 | 55 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 31 | 1 | 32 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 38 | 5 | 43 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 92 | 15 | 107 |
Total | 39758 | 7118 | 46876 |
Round 7 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 26481 | 4580 | 31061 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 80 | 18 | 98 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 1432 | 567 | 1999 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 18558 | 3557 | 22115 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 61 | 9 | 70 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 27 | 3 | 30 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 55 | 6 | 61 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 32 | 3 | 35 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 43 | 2 | 45 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 107 | 12 | 119 |
Total | 46876 | 8757 | 55633 |
Round 8 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 31061 | 2973 | 34034 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 98 | 23 | 121 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 1999 | 539 | 2538 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 22115 | 2725 | 24840 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 70 | 8 | 78 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 30 | 1 | 31 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 61 | 9 | 70 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 35 | 6 | 41 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 45 | 4 | 49 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 119 | 10 | 129 |
Total | 55633 | 6298 | 61931 |
Round 9 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 34034 | 3823 | 37857 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 121 | 13 | 134 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 2538 | 511 | 3049 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 24840 | 3509 | 28349 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 78 | 18 | 96 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 31 | 4 | 35 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 70 | 7 | 77 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 41 | 5 | 46 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 49 | 5 | 54 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 129 | 34 | 163 |
Total | 61931 | 7929 | 69860 |
Round 10 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 37857 | 5271 | 43128 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 134 | 39 | 173 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 3049 | 315 | 3364 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 28349 | 3395 | 31744 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 96 | 11 | 107 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 35 | 8 | 43 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 77 | 18 | 95 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 46 | 14 | 60 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 54 | 14 | 68 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 163 | 38 | 201 |
Total | 69860 | 9123 | 78983 |
Round 11 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 43128 | 4148 | 47276 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 173 | 16 | 189 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 3364 | 156 | 3520 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 31744 | 2886 | 34630 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 107 | 13 | 120 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 43 | 11 | 54 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 95 | 10 | 105 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 60 | 7 | 67 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 68 | 8 | 76 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 201 | 22 | 223 |
Total | 78983 | 7277 | 86260 |
Round 12 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 47276 | 4787 | 52063 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 189 | 21 | 210 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 3520 | 328 | 3848 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 34630 | 3155 | 37785 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 120 | 4 | 124 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 54 | 6 | 60 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 105 | 11 | 116 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 67 | 4 | 71 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 76 | 6 | 82 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 223 | 23 | 246 |
Total | 86260 | 8345 | 94605 |
Round 13 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 52063 | 4183 | 56246 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 210 | 11 | 221 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 3848 | 257 | 4105 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 37785 | 3073 | 40858 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 124 | 6 | 130 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 60 | 5 | 65 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 116 | 6 | 122 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 71 | 0 | 71 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 82 | 2 | 84 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 246 | 17 | 263 |
Total | 94605 | 7560 | 102165 |
Round 14 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 56246 | 3849 | 60095 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 221 | 14 | 235 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 4105 | 371 | 4476 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 40858 | 2990 | 43848 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 130 | 10 | 140 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 65 | 0 | 65 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 122 | 6 | 128 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 71 | 1 | 72 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 84 | 2 | 86 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 263 | 14 | 277 |
Total | 102165 | 7257 | 109422 |
Round 15 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 60095 | 4677 | 64772 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 235 | 19 | 254 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 4476 | 204 | 4680 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 43848 | 2978 | 46826 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 140 | 12 | 152 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 65 | 5 | 70 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 128 | 5 | 133 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 72 | 5 | 77 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 86 | 2 | 88 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 277 | 32 | 309 |
Total | 109422 | 7939 | 117361 |
Round 16 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 64772 | 4412 | 69184 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 254 | 14 | 268 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 4680 | 182 | 4862 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 46826 | 3291 | 50117 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 152 | 12 | 164 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 70 | 5 | 75 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 133 | 19 | 152 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 77 | 10 | 87 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 88 | 8 | 96 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 309 | 25 | 334 |
Total | 117361 | 7978 | 125339 |
Round 17 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 69184 | 4841 | 74025 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 268 | 12 | 280 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 4862 | 202 | 5064 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 50117 | 3695 | 53812 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 164 | 4 | 168 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 75 | 4 | 79 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 152 | 8 | 160 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 87 | 3 | 90 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 96 | 5 | 101 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 334 | 15 | 349 |
Total | 125339 | 8789 | 134128 |
Round 18 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 74025 | 3227 | 77252 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 280 | 11 | 291 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 5064 | 144 | 5208 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 53812 | 3602 | 57414 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 168 | 10 | 178 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 79 | 1 | 80 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 160 | 2 | 162 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 90 | 0 | 90 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 101 | 1 | 102 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 349 | 11 | 360 |
Total | 134128 | 7009 | 141137 |
Round 19 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 77252 | 4068 | 81320 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 291 | 8 | 299 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 5208 | 180 | 5388 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 57414 | 3592 | 61006 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 178 | 14 | 192 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 80 | 2 | 82 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 162 | 9 | 171 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 90 | 5 | 95 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 102 | 5 | 107 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 360 | 11 | 371 |
Total | 141137 | 7894 | 149031 |
Round 20 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 81320 | 4047 | 85367 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 299 | 12 | 311 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 5388 | 184 | 5572 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 61006 | 3187 | 64193 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 192 | 5 | 197 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 82 | 0 | 82 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 171 | 2 | 173 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 95 | 6 | 101 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 107 | 3 | 110 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 371 | 9 | 380 |
Total | 149031 | 7455 | 156486 |
Round 21 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 85367 | 3690 | 89057 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 311 | 10 | 321 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 5572 | 200 | 5772 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 64193 | 3386 | 67579 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 197 | 9 | 206 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 82 | 4 | 86 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 173 | 5 | 178 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 101 | 4 | 105 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 110 | 2 | 112 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 380 | 12 | 392 |
Total | 156486 | 7322 | 163808 |
Round 22 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
AMARENDRA DAS | Bharatiya Janata Party | 89057 | 2593 | 91650 |
KAILAS MALIK | Bahujan Samaj Party | 321 | 4 | 325 |
PRATIMA MALLICK | Indian National Congress | 5772 | 104 | 5876 |
PRASANTA KUMAR MUDULI | Biju Janata Dal | 67579 | 2388 | 69967 |
GITANJALI BARIK | Naba Bharata Nirmana Seva Party | 206 | 7 | 213 |
PRANAB KUMAR RAY | Bharatiya Nyay-Adhikar Raksha Party | 86 | 1 | 87 |
BASANT MALICK | Socialist Unity Centre Of India (COMMUNIST) | 178 | 0 | 178 |
JUDHISTIRA MALLICK | Samruddha Odisha | 105 | 3 | 108 |
NARAYAN PRASADA NANDA | Independent | 112 | 0 | 112 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 392 | 8 | 400 |
Total | 163808 | 5108 | 168916 |