General Election to Assembly Constituencies: Trends & Results June-2024
Assembly Constituency 121 - Daspalla(Odisha)
ECI is displaying the information as being filled in the system by the Returning Officers from their respective Counting Centres.The final data for each AC/PC will be shared in Form-20.
Round 1 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds |
Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 0 | 278 | 278 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 0 | 3121 | 3121 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 0 | 2795 | 2795 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 0 | 35 | 35 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 0 | 95 | 95 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 0 | 39 | 39 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 0 | 326 | 326 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 0 | 43 | 43 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 0 | 100 | 100 |
Total | 0 | 6832 | 6832 |
Round 2 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 278 | 294 | 572 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 3121 | 3637 | 6758 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 2795 | 4590 | 7385 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 35 | 44 | 79 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 95 | 87 | 182 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 39 | 27 | 66 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 326 | 99 | 425 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 43 | 30 | 73 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 100 | 67 | 167 |
Total | 6832 | 8875 | 15707 |
Round 3 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 572 | 245 | 817 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 6758 | 2976 | 9734 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 7385 | 4064 | 11449 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 79 | 65 | 144 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 182 | 120 | 302 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 66 | 43 | 109 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 425 | 551 | 976 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 73 | 37 | 110 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 167 | 63 | 230 |
Total | 15707 | 8164 | 23871 |
Round 4 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 817 | 259 | 1076 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 9734 | 3680 | 13414 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 11449 | 3379 | 14828 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 144 | 38 | 182 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 302 | 111 | 413 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 109 | 50 | 159 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 976 | 464 | 1440 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 110 | 43 | 153 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 230 | 89 | 319 |
Total | 23871 | 8113 | 31984 |
Round 5 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 1076 | 342 | 1418 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 13414 | 3420 | 16834 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 14828 | 3664 | 18492 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 182 | 44 | 226 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 413 | 94 | 507 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 159 | 105 | 264 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 1440 | 142 | 1582 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 153 | 40 | 193 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 319 | 93 | 412 |
Total | 31984 | 7944 | 39928 |
Round 6 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 1418 | 550 | 1968 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 16834 | 3567 | 20401 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 18492 | 2431 | 20923 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 226 | 50 | 276 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 507 | 84 | 591 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 264 | 58 | 322 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 1582 | 182 | 1764 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 193 | 62 | 255 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 412 | 152 | 564 |
Total | 39928 | 7136 | 47064 |
Round 7 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 1968 | 255 | 2223 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 20401 | 3784 | 24185 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 20923 | 3275 | 24198 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 276 | 53 | 329 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 591 | 102 | 693 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 322 | 80 | 402 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 1764 | 704 | 2468 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 255 | 64 | 319 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 564 | 136 | 700 |
Total | 47064 | 8453 | 55517 |
Round 8 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 2223 | 247 | 2470 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 24185 | 3989 | 28174 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 24198 | 3012 | 27210 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 329 | 31 | 360 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 693 | 130 | 823 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 402 | 46 | 448 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 2468 | 711 | 3179 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 319 | 40 | 359 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 700 | 68 | 768 |
Total | 55517 | 8274 | 63791 |
Round 9 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 2470 | 235 | 2705 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 28174 | 5619 | 33793 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 27210 | 3597 | 30807 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 360 | 31 | 391 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 823 | 85 | 908 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 448 | 44 | 492 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 3179 | 615 | 3794 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 359 | 36 | 395 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 768 | 83 | 851 |
Total | 63791 | 10345 | 74136 |
Round 10 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 2705 | 248 | 2953 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 33793 | 3987 | 37780 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 30807 | 2865 | 33672 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 391 | 37 | 428 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 908 | 160 | 1068 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 492 | 51 | 543 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 3794 | 1155 | 4949 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 395 | 53 | 448 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 851 | 109 | 960 |
Total | 74136 | 8665 | 82801 |
Round 11 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 2953 | 382 | 3335 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 37780 | 4066 | 41846 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 33672 | 3468 | 37140 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 428 | 48 | 476 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1068 | 144 | 1212 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 543 | 46 | 589 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 4949 | 866 | 5815 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 448 | 48 | 496 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 960 | 87 | 1047 |
Total | 82801 | 9155 | 91956 |
Round 12 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 3335 | 385 | 3720 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 41846 | 3033 | 44879 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 37140 | 2226 | 39366 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 476 | 32 | 508 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1212 | 142 | 1354 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 589 | 61 | 650 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 5815 | 1251 | 7066 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 496 | 55 | 551 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1047 | 95 | 1142 |
Total | 91956 | 7280 | 99236 |
Round 13 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 3720 | 311 | 4031 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 44879 | 3168 | 48047 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 39366 | 3450 | 42816 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 508 | 51 | 559 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1354 | 130 | 1484 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 650 | 43 | 693 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 7066 | 982 | 8048 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 551 | 38 | 589 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1142 | 78 | 1220 |
Total | 99236 | 8251 | 107487 |
Round 14 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 4031 | 308 | 4339 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 48047 | 4081 | 52128 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 42816 | 4332 | 47148 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 559 | 35 | 594 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1484 | 98 | 1582 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 693 | 34 | 727 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 8048 | 531 | 8579 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 589 | 30 | 619 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1220 | 70 | 1290 |
Total | 107487 | 9519 | 117006 |
Round 15 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 4339 | 186 | 4525 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 52128 | 3113 | 55241 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 47148 | 2698 | 49846 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 594 | 50 | 644 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1582 | 121 | 1703 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 727 | 35 | 762 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 8579 | 859 | 9438 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 619 | 40 | 659 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1290 | 84 | 1374 |
Total | 117006 | 7186 | 124192 |
Round 16 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 4525 | 360 | 4885 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 55241 | 3795 | 59036 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 49846 | 3219 | 53065 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 644 | 62 | 706 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1703 | 143 | 1846 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 762 | 61 | 823 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 9438 | 750 | 10188 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 659 | 54 | 713 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1374 | 130 | 1504 |
Total | 124192 | 8574 | 132766 |
Round 17 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 4885 | 317 | 5202 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 59036 | 2448 | 61484 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 53065 | 2161 | 55226 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 706 | 131 | 837 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1846 | 99 | 1945 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 823 | 77 | 900 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 10188 | 448 | 10636 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 713 | 30 | 743 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1504 | 60 | 1564 |
Total | 132766 | 5771 | 138537 |
Round 18 (EVM Votes) | ||||
Candidate | Party | Votes Brought From Previous Rounds | Current Round | Total |
NAKUL NAYAK | Indian National Congress | 5202 | 45 | 5247 |
RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA | Biju Janata Dal | 61484 | 382 | 61866 |
RAGHAB MALIK | Bharatiya Janata Party | 55226 | 288 | 55514 |
SANTOSH NAYAK | Manas Lokshakti Dal | 837 | 7 | 844 |
INDUMATI NAYAK | Independent | 1945 | 6 | 1951 |
KANHU CHARAN NAYAK | Independent | 900 | 7 | 907 |
RABINDRA SETHI | Independent | 10636 | 14 | 10650 |
SURATHA NAIK | Independent | 743 | 4 | 747 |
NOTA | None of the Above | 1564 | 4 | 1568 |
Total | 138537 | 757 | 139294 |