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West Bengal
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Select Constituency
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 0 4542 4542 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 0 255 255 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 0 2825 2825 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 0 30 30 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 0 24 24 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 0 4 4 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 0 7 7 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 0 21 21 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 0 28 28 NOTA None of the Above 0 114 114
Total 0 7850 7850
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 4542 4671 9213 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 255 395 650 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 2825 1673 4498 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 30 38 68 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 24 11 35 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 4 16 20 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 7 15 22 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 21 36 57 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 28 49 77 NOTA None of the Above 114 169 283
Total 7850 7073 14923
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 9213 5374 14587 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 650 446 1096 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 4498 1686 6184 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 68 40 108 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 35 19 54 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 20 4 24 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 22 15 37 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 57 20 77 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 77 36 113 NOTA None of the Above 283 146 429
Total 14923 7786 22709
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 14587 5545 20132 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 1096 272 1368 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 6184 2057 8241 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 108 28 136 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 54 25 79 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 24 6 30 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 37 11 48 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 77 29 106 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 113 50 163 NOTA None of the Above 429 196 625
Total 22709 8219 30928
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 20132 5440 25572 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 1368 199 1567 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 8241 1688 9929 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 136 20 156 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 79 14 93 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 30 11 41 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 48 16 64 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 106 51 157 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 163 63 226 NOTA None of the Above 625 209 834
Total 30928 7711 38639
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 25572 4958 30530 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 1567 303 1870 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 9929 1864 11793 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 156 23 179 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 93 20 113 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 41 10 51 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 64 13 77 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 157 42 199 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 226 48 274 NOTA None of the Above 834 188 1022
Total 38639 7469 46108
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 30530 4495 35025 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 1870 283 2153 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 11793 2692 14485 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 179 19 198 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 113 21 134 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 51 6 57 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 77 9 86 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 199 31 230 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 274 45 319 NOTA None of the Above 1022 152 1174
Total 46108 7753 53861
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 35025 4403 39428 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 2153 278 2431 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 14485 2490 16975 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 198 33 231 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 134 11 145 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 57 11 68 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 86 20 106 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 230 47 277 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 319 66 385 NOTA None of the Above 1174 207 1381
Total 53861 7566 61427
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 39428 5538 44966 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 2431 329 2760 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 16975 1205 18180 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 231 21 252 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 145 9 154 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 68 14 82 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 106 17 123 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 277 20 297 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 385 34 419 NOTA None of the Above 1381 148 1529
Total 61427 7335 68762
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 44966 5514 50480 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 2760 511 3271 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 18180 1488 19668 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 252 36 288 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 154 22 176 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 82 20 102 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 123 21 144 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 297 18 315 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 419 68 487 NOTA None of the Above 1529 186 1715
Total 68762 7884 76646
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 50480 5009 55489 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 3271 574 3845 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 19668 2210 21878 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 288 40 328 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 176 28 204 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 102 15 117 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 144 18 162 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 315 38 353 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 487 60 547 NOTA None of the Above 1715 224 1939
Total 76646 8216 84862
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 55489 5040 60529 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 3845 806 4651 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 21878 1032 22910 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 328 31 359 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 204 50 254 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 117 11 128 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 162 21 183 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 353 27 380 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 547 61 608 NOTA None of the Above 1939 183 2122
Total 84862 7262 92124
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 60529 6755 67284 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 4651 442 5093 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 22910 428 23338 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 359 20 379 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 254 40 294 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 128 6 134 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 183 8 191 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 380 10 390 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 608 28 636 NOTA None of the Above 2122 172 2294
Total 92124 7909 100033
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 67284 4945 72229 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 5093 756 5849 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 23338 750 24088 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 379 31 410 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 294 168 462 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 134 4 138 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 191 6 197 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 390 13 403 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 636 55 691 NOTA None of the Above 2294 122 2416
Total 100033 6850 106883
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 72229 5485 77714 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 5849 189 6038 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 24088 1095 25183 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 410 17 427 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 462 27 489 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 138 10 148 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 197 8 205 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 403 28 431 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 691 42 733 NOTA None of the Above 2416 201 2617
Total 106883 7102 113985
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 77714 6270 83984 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 6038 423 6461 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 25183 866 26049 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 427 20 447 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 489 20 509 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 148 10 158 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 205 3 208 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 431 19 450 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 733 31 764 NOTA None of the Above 2617 163 2780
Total 113985 7825 121810
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 83984 4033 88017 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 6461 546 7007 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 26049 2975 29024 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 447 35 482 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 509 51 560 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 158 10 168 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 208 16 224 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 450 60 510 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 764 65 829 NOTA None of the Above 2780 209 2989
Total 121810 8000 129810
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 88017 2225 90242 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 7007 320 7327 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 29024 3107 32131 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 482 19 501 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 560 140 700 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 168 13 181 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 224 12 236 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 510 38 548 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 829 34 863 NOTA None of the Above 2989 133 3122
Total 129810 6041 135851
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 90242 4744 94986 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 7327 267 7594 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 32131 2345 34476 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 501 18 519 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 700 67 767 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 181 8 189 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 236 8 244 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 548 27 575 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 863 42 905 NOTA None of the Above 3122 188 3310
Total 135851 7714 143565
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 94986 5574 100560 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 7594 229 7823 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 34476 1555 36031 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 519 21 540 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 767 18 785 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 189 8 197 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 244 11 255 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 575 26 601 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 905 43 948 NOTA None of the Above 3310 172 3482
Total 143565 7657 151222
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 100560 7669 108229 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 7823 182 8005 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 36031 533 36564 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 540 21 561 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 785 16 801 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 197 12 209 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 255 10 265 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 601 14 615 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 948 41 989 NOTA None of the Above 3482 139 3621
Total 151222 8637 159859
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 108229 5331 113560 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8005 123 8128 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 36564 1081 37645 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 561 22 583 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 801 57 858 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 209 15 224 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 265 12 277 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 615 25 640 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 989 47 1036 NOTA None of the Above 3621 195 3816
Total 159859 6908 166767
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 113560 5817 119377 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8128 177 8305 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 37645 1965 39610 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 583 22 605 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 858 25 883 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 224 7 231 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 277 8 285 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 640 23 663 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 1036 41 1077 NOTA None of the Above 3816 170 3986
Total 166767 8255 175022
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 119377 5047 124424 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8305 223 8528 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 39610 1857 41467 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 605 34 639 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 883 29 912 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 231 12 243 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 285 17 302 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 663 37 700 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 1077 58 1135 NOTA None of the Above 3986 199 4185
Total 175022 7513 182535
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 124424 5631 130055 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8528 196 8724 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 41467 1473 42940 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 639 26 665 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 912 15 927 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 243 6 249 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 302 19 321 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 700 36 736 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 1135 59 1194 NOTA None of the Above 4185 163 4348
Total 182535 7624 190159
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 130055 5930 135985 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8724 243 8967 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 42940 680 43620 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 665 24 689 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 927 12 939 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 249 11 260 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 321 11 332 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 736 15 751 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 1194 53 1247 NOTA None of the Above 4348 195 4543
Total 190159 7174 197333
West Bengal-Jangipur
Votes Brought From Previous Rounds (EVM Votes)
Current Round (EVM Votes)
JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 135985 97 136082 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 8967 53 9020 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 43620 230 43850 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 689 2 691 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 939 1 940 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 260 1 261 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 332 0 332 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 751 2 753 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 1247 3 1250 NOTA None of the Above 4543 8 4551
Total 197333 397 197730
West Bengal-Jangipur
Result Status
Party R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27
1 JAKIR HOSSAIN All India Trinamool Congress 4542 4671 5374 5545 5440 4958 4495 4403 5538 5514 5009 5040 6755 4945 5485 6270 4033 2225 4744 5574 7669 5331 5817 5047 5631 5930 97 2 JANE ALAM MIAN Revolutionary Socialist Party 255 395 446 272 199 303 283 278 329 511 574 806 442 756 189 423 546 320 267 229 182 123 177 223 196 243 53 3 SUJIT DAS Bharatiya Janata Party 2825 1673 1686 2057 1688 1864 2692 2490 1205 1488 2210 1032 428 750 1095 866 2975 3107 2345 1555 533 1081 1965 1857 1473 680 230 4 ABU SALEM Justice and Development Party, 30 38 40 28 20 23 19 33 21 36 40 31 20 31 17 20 35 19 18 21 21 22 22 34 26 24 2 5 MIRZA NASHIRUDDIN SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) 24 11 19 25 14 20 21 11 9 22 28 50 40 168 27 20 51 140 67 18 16 57 25 29 15 12 1 6 MD MAINUL HOQUE Bahujan Maha Party 4 16 4 6 11 10 6 11 14 20 15 11 6 4 10 10 10 13 8 8 12 15 7 12 6 11 1 7 KHOKAN SARKAR Independent 7 15 15 11 16 13 9 20 17 21 18 21 8 6 8 3 16 12 8 11 10 12 8 17 19 11 0 8 GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Independent 21 36 20 29 51 42 31 47 20 18 38 27 10 13 28 19 60 38 27 26 14 25 23 37 36 15 2 9 SWARAJIT SARKAR Independent 28 49 36 50 63 48 45 66 34 68 60 61 28 55 42 31 65 34 42 43 41 47 41 58 59 53 3 10 NOTA None of the Above 114 169 146 196 209 188 152 207 148 186 224 183 172 122 201 163 209 133 188 172 139 195 170 199 163 195 8